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The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Prime Contractors Supplier Council (MPCSC) was established in January 2003. The concept for creation of the council evolved out of several informal planning sessions held in 2002. The final decision to establish a working council occurred at a meeting held at MSFC in December 2002. Prime Contractor representatives from all major MSFC prime contractors having significant subcontracting programs were invited. More than 30 prime contractor representatives were in attendance and the council was formed.

The MPCSC serves as an invaluable resource to preserve and promote the best interests of small businesses by creating a channel through which they can more effectively penetrate the Federal Government marketplace. Council members strongly believe in the power of teamwork, and believe that by working together they will make a difference!

Mission Statement

The Marshall Prime Contractors Supplier Council's mission is to strengthen supplier diversity across all NASA prime contracts with maximum subcontracting opportunities.  Share lessons learned, best practices and supplier resources among all council members through regularly scheduled meetings and participation at networking and outreach events


The Marshall Prime Contractors Supplier Council supports the objectives of the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Office of Small Business Programs by creating an environment that promotes best practices among MSFC prime contractors, ultimately strengthening the industrial base, promoting diversity and enhancing aerospace research and development.